
Nov 15, 2011:フロンティアコーポ・メディック:So-netブログ

1.糖尿病:世界で3億人超 アジアで増加、中国1位に
2.福島在住成人の内部被曝「気にする水準でない」 京大が調査
4.左右の脳つなぐ神経の"誘導役"のタンパク質特定 てんかん発作発症解明にも
5.患者の4割が「難解」 診療明細書、活用に課題
6.飲食物の酸で歯が溶ける「酸蝕歯」 食事習慣や歯磨きの見直し必要
8.たん吸引などの実施事業所、加算で評価へ- 厚労省、介護給付費分科会に提案
9.訪問介護の身体介護、20分未満区分を創設- 24時間訪問への移行目指す
10.2交替看護職員の6割に16時間以上の夜勤- 医労連が調査
11.次期改定、中小病院の評価も必要 - 中医協新委員・万代恭嗣氏に聞く◆Vol.1
23.C. difficile院内感染、患者の3%
1) 膝骨関節炎の発症リスクが高いスポーツはサッカー、長距離走、ウエイトリフティング、レスリング
2) 魚油の摂取は変形性膝関節症の症状を改善、長期間では低用量が良好
3) 生物学的製剤の使用で日本人RA患者の死亡リスクが上昇することはない
4) ちょっと少なめに注いだグラスワイン1杯程度の飲酒に、RA発症リスクを軽減する効果
25.Cardiac cells 'heal heart damage'
26.Study links Parkinson's disease to industrial solvent
27.Breast Cancer Chemo Tied to Memory Troubles
28.Warfarin May Need Less Monitoring for Some
29.Drinking Risky for Women With Family History of Breast Cancer: Study
30.Stem Cells Show Promise in Healing Damaged Hearts
31.Low-Income Seniors at Greater Risk for Heart Failure
32.Shot Might One Day Help Lower Cholesterol
33.Experimental Drug for Irregular Heart Rhythm Raises Death Risk: Study
1) Delayed stem cell therapy following heart attack is safe but not effective
2) Wood stove intervention can reduce childhood pneumonia
3) Intensive therapy halves kidney disease in type 1 diabetes
4) NIH-funded twin study finds occupational chemical exposure may be linked to Parkinson's risk
5) バイオトロニックがパクリタキセル放出バルーンPantera Luxの好成績を発表
6) BIOTRONIK Announces Six-Month Coronary Stenting ENERGY Registry Results Presented at TCT 2011

1.糖尿病:世界で3億人超 アジアで増加、中国1位に


2.福島在住成人の内部被曝「気にする水準でない」 京大が調査




4.左右の脳つなぐ神経の"誘導役"のタンパク質特定 てんかん発作発症解明にも


5.患者の4割が「難解」 診療明細書、活用に課題

 「一応、取っておこうとは思うけど...」。9月中旬、京都民医連中央病院 (京都市)の婦人科を受診した女性(39)は、会計窓口で明細書を受け取ると、複雑な表情を浮かべた。
 神奈川県保険医協会 は10年3月、「明細書の内容は難解な用語や複雑なルールによる記載で、(病院は)患者への説明を強いられ、窓口が混乱し、待ち時間が長くなる」などとして、発行義務化に反対する陳情書を厚労省に提出した。
 連合 は「明細書をもらって、しっかり保管しよう」と書かれた名刺大のカードを作製し、9月から約700万人の組合員に配布を開始。患者のメリットとして①医薬品の副作用が明らかになった場合、自分が処方されたか確認できる②治療内容を正確に把握し、医師から納得がいく説明を受けることができる③他の医師に意見を求める「セカンドオピニオン」に活用できる―などを挙げる。

6.飲食物の酸で歯が溶ける「酸蝕歯」 食事習慣や歯磨きの見直し必要


Tech-On 2011年11月15日

今回の新製品と、GE Healthcare, President and CEO, SurgeryのJoe Shrawder氏
OEC 7900 Fluorostarによる撮影画像
 GEヘルスケア・ジャパンは、外科用デジタルCアーム装置の新製品「OEC 7900 Fluorostar」を発売した(リリース)。整形外科手術だけでなく、血管撮影が必要な透析患者向けの手術(シャント手術)などに対応できるようにしたことに加え、従来機種に比べて小型化・低被曝化を実現している。整形外科や透析などを手掛ける専門病院やクリニックに向ける。価格は3300万円(税込み、構成による)で、発売初年度に国内で30台の販売を目指す。
 今回のOEC 7900 Fluorostarは、同社が2009年に発売した最上位機種「OEC 9900 Elite」と、2010年に発売した下位機種「Brivo OEC 850」の中間に位置する、中上位機種。OEC 9900 Eliteは循環器外科や脳外科などでの手術に向ける機種であり、Brivo OEC 850は整形外科用の機種である。「今回の新製品により、外科用デジタルCアーム装置の製品ラインアップが完璧にそろう」(GEヘルスケア・ジャパン)とする。3機種のうち、Brivo OEC 850は2011年1~9月に日本国内で51台を販売しており、「販売地域別でみると日本での売り上げが最も多い」(同社)という。
 OEC 7900 Fluorostarでは、最上位機種並みの高画質を、より少ないX線照射量で実現できるようにしたことが大きな特徴だ。通常の透視・撮影モードに加えてX線の照射量が少ない低線量モードを導入した他、撮影部位の体厚に合わせてX線照射量を選べるようにしている。さらに、Cアームとモニター部を一体化することにより、外形寸法を780mm(幅)×1725mm(高さ)×1634mm(奥行き)と同社従来機比で40%小型化した。

8.たん吸引などの実施事業所、加算で評価へ- 厚労省、介護給付費分科会に提案


9.訪問介護の身体介護、20分未満区分を創設- 24時間訪問への移行目指す



10.2交替看護職員の6割に16時間以上の夜勤- 医労連が調査


11.次期改定、中小病院の評価も必要 - 中医協新委員・万代恭嗣氏に聞く◆Vol.1
M3 2011年11月15日


M3 2011年11月14日

 後発医薬品の使用促進など薬の有効な使用策に関して、蓮舫行政刷新担当相は、「医療財政的な部分もあれば、命や安心・安全を守るための議論が、それぞれの立場できればいい。ただ、この提言型政策仕分けの場で政策を決めて、厚生労働省に提言するものではないので、幅を持った議論をしたい」と述べた。その上で、後発医薬品の使用促進が、厚労省の中央社会保険医療協議会でも議論されている点について、「これまで厚労省の中で議論されてきたことが、国民が関心を持って(会議の)議事録を見てきたわけではないと思う。今まで議論されたことから議論し始めて、政策の方向性などを厚労省に示したい」と述べるにとどまり、中医協の議論に踏み込んで提言をするのではなく、国民に広く関心を持ってもらうための場に� �るとの考えを示した。

M3 2011年11月14日

 しかし、その方針を伝えた後、福島第一原発3号機で午前11時1分に水素爆発が起きた。テレビで爆発を知った及川氏は、「これで自分の命は終わったなと思った」といい、「この時に家族を退避させたが、形見を渡した」。深刻な事態の中、及川氏は金澤幸夫院長と協議し、スタッフ、職員の避難の許可を認める決定を下した。インフラは遮断されており、病院運営の責任者である桜井勝延・南相馬市長に伝えられなかった。「職員は半分ぐらい残ると思ったが、翌日病院へ行くと、残ったのは3分の1だった。274人いた職員が80~90人になった。怖かったのだと思う、僕も怖かったので責める気はない。想定外だったのは、契約業者がゼロになったこと」。病院事務や給食、清掃、警備業務に当たる契約業者50社がすべて撤退。看護師が事� �や給食を、診療放射線技師らが警備を代行した。
 さらに政府が3月15日に原発から半径20~30キロ圏内を屋内退避指示区域に指定すると、ドクターヘリ、救急車両、DMATも同区域内に立ち入らず、物流機能も止まった。底を尽きたガソリンと食糧は、自衛隊の支援物資に頼った。及川氏は「国が(屋内退避指示区域という)政策を打ち出すことに問題ないが、政策を出した後のフォローアップが全くなされていない」と憤る。3月18日以降、入院患者を30キロ圏外に搬送。「30キロ圏の境界まで自衛隊が移送し、そこで救急車両に移し搬送する困難なミッションだった」。(「『屋内退避指示』、入院患者全員を搬送」-南市立総合病院院長・金澤幸夫氏に聞く◆Vol.2 参照)この間を及川氏は「混乱の10日間だった」と振り返った。


症例1 55歳、男性(江草氏による)


空腹時血糖141mg/dL、HbA1c6.0%、AST8 IU/L、BUN18mg/dL、Cre0.76mg/dL、TC159mg/dL、TG86mg/dL、HDLC62mg/dL、LDL-C80mg/dL

図1 「GM-72P00A」の測定画面(提供:パナソニックヘルスケア)

図2 IMT測定手順の比較(パナソニックヘルスケアによる)

PCR・培養による確定例のみを対象としたメタ分析の結果(Lancet Infect Dis誌から)

インフルエンザワクチンの有効性をインフルエンザ確定例を指標に評価した研究のみを対象とした、初めてのメタ分析の結果が、Lancet Infectious Diseases誌電子版に2011年10月26日に掲載された。著者である米Minnesota大学のMichael Osterholm氏らは、3価の不活化ワクチン(TIV)の成人に対するefficacy(臨床試験など理想的な条件下で得られた有効率)は59%にとどまり、65歳以上と小児に対する効果を示したエビデンスはないこと、弱毒生ワクチン(LAIV)は7歳までの小児には高いefficacyが期待できることなどを明らかにした。


大腸癌などの罹患リスクが上昇しているリンチ症候群(家族性非ポリポーシス大腸癌;HNPCCとも呼ばれる)のキャリアを対象とした二重盲検無作為化試験で、アスピリン600mg/日の2年以上の服用が、その後の大腸癌罹患を有意に減らすことが明らかになった。英Newcastle大学のJohn Burn氏らが、Lancet誌電子版に2011年10月28日に報告した。
続いて、割り付け薬を2年以上使用した患者 (アスピリン群258人、偽薬群250人)に限定したper-protocol分析を行ったところ、ハザード比は0.41(0.19-0.86、P=0.02)、罹患率比は0.37(0.18-0.78、P=0.008)になった。
 原題は「Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial」

【原題】Shorter Preshock Pauses During CPR Improve Survival
Journal Watch Hospital Medicine日経メディカル2011年11月15日

Both return of spontaneous circulation and survival to hospital discharge improve.
Pulse checks interrupt chest compressions and no longer are recommended during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but delivering a shock clearly requires a pause in compressions. In a study of 815 patients in Canada and the U.S. who received some 2400 shocks, researchers analyzed the association between pause duration and outcomes.
The mean arrival time for responders was 5.9 minutes. The median preshock pause (time from cessation of CPR to shock delivery) was 15.6 seconds (range, 0-107 seconds), and the median postshock pause (time from shock delivery to resumption of CPR) was 8.3 seconds (range, 0-220 seconds); guidelines recommend pause duration ≦5 seconds. The odds of return of spontaneous circulation in the emergency department were 0.37 in patients with preshock pause ≧20 seconds (compared to those with preshock pause <10 seconds) and 0.52 for patients with perishock pause (total duration of the 2 pauses) ≧40 seconds (compared to those with perishock pause <20 seconds). The corresponding odds of survival to hospital discharge were 0.47 and 0.54 for preshock and perishock pauses, respectively. Preshock pause, but not postshock pause, was associated independently with mortality.
The time is muscle paradigm is as applicable to CPR compressions as to moresophisticated interventions. Shortening the preshock pause will not be easy and will require both team training and design improvements in defibrillators. Continuing compression while the defibrillator is charging might provide the most bang for the buck.
― J. Stephen Bohan, MD, MS, FACP, FACEP, Journal Watch Emergency Medicine
Cheskes S et al. Perishock pause: An independent predictor of survival from out-of-hospital shockable cardiac arrest. Circulation 2011 Jul 5; 124:58.


臓器移植を受けた人(レシピエント)のがん発症リスクは、一般の人の2倍以上に増大することが明らかにされた。32種類のがんについてレシピエントの発症リスク増大が認められ、なかでも最も発症頻度が高かったのは非ホジキンリンパ腫で、発症リスクは約7.5倍に上った。米国国立がん研究所(NCI)のEric A. Engels氏らが、約18万人のレシピエントと、13州のがんに関する登録簿を調べ、明らかにしたもので、JAMA誌2011年11月2日号で発表した。これまでの研究から、レシピエントは、免疫機能低下や臓器ウイルス感染が原因で、がんの発症リスクが増大することは知られていた。
研究グループは、1987~2008年の米国移植レシピエントの登録簿「US Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipient」に登録された17万5,732人の臓器移植レシピエントを元に、多種のがん発症リスクについて分析した。同レシピエントのうち、腎臓が58.4%、肝臓が21.6%、心臓が10.0%、肺が4.0%だった。


胸部X線による年1回の肺がん検診は、肺がん死亡率を低下しないと結論する報告が発表された。米国・ミネソタ大学のMartin M. Oken氏らが、15万人超を対象に行われた、がんスクリーニング無作為化比較試験「PLCO」から肺がんスクリーニング4年間の追跡結果を解析した結果で、JAMA誌2011年11月2日号(オンライン版2011年10月26日号)で発表した。胸部X線による肺がん検診の死亡率に対する有効性は、これまで明らかにされていなかった。


文献:Chen WY et al.Moderate Alcohol Consumption During Adult Life, Drinking Patterns, and Breast Cancer Risk.JAMA. 2011;306(17):1884-1890.
 Nurses' Health Study参加の女性10万5986人を対象に、成人期の飲酒と浸潤性乳癌の関連を前向き観察研究で調査。アルコール消費量が5.0-9.9g/日でも乳癌リスクと統計的有意に関連し、相対リスク(主要評価項目)は1.15だった。累積飲酒量で調整後、飲酒頻度ではなく飲み過ぎと乳癌リスクに関連が見られた。


文献:Engels EA et al.Spectrum of Cancer Risk Among US Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.JAMA. 2011;306(17):1891-1901.


文献:Sorror ML et al.Long-term Outcomes Among Older Patients Following Nonmyeloablative Conditioning and Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Advanced Hematologic Malignancies.JAMA. 2011;306(17):1874-1883.

23.C. difficile院内感染、患者の3%

文献:Loo VG et al.Host and Pathogen Factors for Clostridium difficile Infection and Colonization.N Engl J Med 2011; 365:1693-1703.
 入院患者4143人を対象に、医療に関連したClostridium difficile感染の要因を前向き研究で検証。感染は117人、定着は123人に見られた。高齢と抗生物質およびプロトンポンプ阻害薬の使用が感染と有意に関連していた。化学療法治療中、プロトンポンプ阻害薬およびH2遮断薬の使用などが定着と関連していた。



1) 膝骨関節炎の発症リスクが高いスポーツはサッカー、長距離走、ウエイトリフティング、レスリング

様々なスポーツの中で、膝骨関節炎の発症リスクを高めるスポーツは、サッカーやレスリングなど、膝に強い負荷のかかる一部のスポーツに限られることが示された。米タフツ大学医療センターのJeffrey B.Driban氏らが発表した。

2) 魚油の摂取は変形性膝関節症の症状を改善、長期間では低用量が良好

魚油には、変形性膝関節症の症状を改善する効果があることが確認された。変形性膝関節症の患者を対象に2年間にわたって行った多施設共同二重盲検無作為化試験の成果で、オーストラリアQueen Elizabeth病院のCatherine L. Hill氏らが発表した。
 登録時の膝関節のX線写真は、国際変形性関節症学会(OARSI)のアトラスでスコア化した。主要評価項目は、登録時から3、6、12、24カ月時点のWOMAC疼痛スコアの変化とした。副次的評価項目は、WOMAC機能スコア、OMERACT-OARSI の効果判定基準の変化とした。得られた臨床試験データは、ITT法 (LOCF) により統計解析した。

3) 生物学的製剤の使用で日本人RA患者の死亡リスクが上昇することはない


4) ちょっと少なめに注いだグラスワイン1杯程度の飲酒に、RA発症リスクを軽減する効果

1日にアルコール含有量にして10g未満の飲酒に、例えばちょっと少なめに注いだグラスワイン1杯ならば、RA発症リスクを軽減する効果が期待できることが示された。看護師健康調査(Nurses' Health Study)の一環として行われた女性におけるアルコール摂取量とRA発症に関する調査の結果、明らかになった。米Brigham Women's病院・米ハーバード大医学部のBing Lu氏らが発表した。
 Bing Lu氏らは、「今回の長期前向きコホート研究によって、軽度(アルコール含有量が1~9g/日)のアルコール摂取にはRA発症リスクを軽減する保護効果があるとの証拠が得られた」と結論した。また、「10g/日より多いアルコール摂取の場合には、保護効果がないことも明らかになった」と指摘した。

25.Cardiac cells 'heal heart damage'
BBC News2011年11月14日

Stem cells taken from a patient's own heart have, for the first time, been used to repair damaged heart tissue, researchers claim.
The study, published in the Lancet, was designed to test the procedure's safety, but also reported improvements in the heart's ability to pump blood.
The authors said the findings were "very encouraging"
Other experts said techniques with bone marrow stem cells were more advanced and that bigger trials were needed.
The scientists say this is the first reported case of cardiac stem cells being used as a treatment in people after earlier studies had shown benefits in animals.
The preliminary trial was on patients with heart failure who were having heart bypass surgery. During the operation, a piece of heart tissue, from the right atrial appendage, was taken.
While the patient was being sewn up, researchers isolated cardiac stem cells from the sample and cultured them until they had about two million stem cells for each patient. The cells were injected about 100 days later.
Doctors measured how efficiently the heart was pumping using the left ventricle ejection fraction - what percentage of blood was leaving one of the heart's main chamber with every beat.
In the 14 patients given the treatment, the percentage increased from 30.3% at the beginning of the trial, to 38.5% after four months.
There was no change in the ejection fraction in the seven patients who were not injected with stem cells.
Dr Roberto Bolli, one of the researchers from the University of Louisville, told the BBC: "We believe these finding are very significant.
"Our results indicate that cardiac stem cells can markedly improve the contractile function of the heart."
Heart v bone
The heart is not the only source of potentially useful stem cells. Trials have already taken place using stems cells from bone marrow.
Prof Anthony Mathur, from Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, and Prof John Martin, from University College London, are already conducting large randomised clinical trials.
They are investigating the effect of giving patients stem cells from their own bone marrow, in NHS hospitals, within six hours of a heart attack.
Prof Mathur said of the cardiac stem cell study: "Caveats very much apply. It's a phase one trial so while the early results are great and promising, they need to design a big study to see if the results translate."
He also cautioned that improvements in ejection fraction were not the same as increasing survival or quality of life.
Prof Martin said he was "concerned" that the seven patients in the control group showed no improvement in ejection fraction, which would normally be expected, and that they were not given a sham treatment to account for the placebo effect.
He said that was acceptable when just testing a procedure's safety, but not when looking at effectiveness, which relies on the difference between the treated and control groups.
Prof Peter Weissberg, medical director at the British Heart Foundation, argued that the improvement in heart function was similar to those in other studies.
"This is positive, but the crucial next steps are to see whether this improvement is confirmed in the final completed trial, and to understand whether the cells are actually replacing damaged heart cells or are secreting molecules that are helping to heal the heart," he added.
Dr Bolli argues that stem cells from the heart might be more useful as "their natural function is to replace the cells that continuously die in the heart due to wear and tear".
He hopes to start the next phase of clinical trials in 2012.

26.Study links Parkinson's disease to industrial solvent
BBC News2011年11月14日

An international study has linked an industrial solvent to Parkinson's disease.
Researchers found a six-fold increase in the risk of developing Parkinson's in individuals exposed in the workplace to trichloroethylene (TCE).
Although many uses for TCE have been banned around the world, the chemical is still used as a degreasing agent.
The research was based on analysis of 99 pairs of twins selected from US data records.
Parkinson's can result in limb tremors, slowed movement and speech impairment, but the exact cause of the disease is still unknown, and there is no cure.
Research to date suggests a mix of genetic and environmental factors may be responsible. A link has previously been made with pesticide use.
'Significant association'
The researchers from institutes in the US, Canada, Germany and Argentina, wanted to examine the impact of solvent exposure - specifically six solvents including TCE.
They looked at 99 sets of twins, one twin with Parkinson's, the other without.
Because twins are genetically very similar or identical and often share certain lifestyle characteristics, twins were thought to provide a better control group, reducing the likelihood of spurious results.
The twins were interviewed to build up a work history and calculate likely exposure to solvents. They were also asked about hobbies.
The findings are presented as the first study to report a "significant association" between TCE exposure and Parkinson's and suggest exposure to the solvent was likely to result in a six-fold increase in the chances of developing the disease.
The study also adjudged exposure to two other solvents, perchloroethylene (PERC) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), "tended towards significant risk of developing the disease".
No statistical link was found with the other three solvents examined in the study - toluene, xylene and n-hexane.
"Our study confirms that common environmental contaminants may increase the risk of developing Parkinson's, which has considerable public health implications," said Dr Samuel Goldman of The Parkinson's Institute in Sunnyvale, California, who co-led the study published in the journal Annals of Neurology.
He added: "Our findings, as well as prior case reports, suggest a lag time of up to 40 years between TCE exposure and onset of Parkinson's, providing a critical window of opportunity to potentially slow the disease before clinical symptoms appear."
Water contaminant
TCE has been used in paints, glue, carpet cleaners, dry-cleaning solutions and as a degreaser. It has been banned in the food and pharmaceutical industries in most regions of the world since the 1970s, due to concerns over its toxicity.
In 1997, the US authorities banned its use as an anaesthetic, skin disinfectant, grain fumigant and coffee decaffeinating agent, but it is still used as a degreasing agent for metal parts.
A computer image of affected neurons in the brain of Parkinson's patients
Groundwater contamination by TCE is widespread, with studies estimating up to 30% of US drinking water supplies are contaminated with TCE. In Europe, it was reclassified in 2001 as a "category 2" carcinogen, although it is still used in industrial applications.
PERC, like TCE, is used as a dry-cleaning agent and degreasing agent, and is found in many household products. CCl4's major historical use was in the manufacture of chlorofluorocarbons for use as refrigerants, but it has also been used a fumigant to kill insects in grain.
Commenting on the paper, Dr Michelle Gardner, Research Development Manager at Parkinson's UK, said: "This is the first study to show that the solvent TCE may be associated with an increased risk of developing Parkinson's.
"It is important to highlight that many of the previous uses of this solvent have been discontinued for safety reasons over 30 years ago and that safety and protection in work places where strong chemicals such as this solvent are used has greatly improved in recent years."
She also called for more research to confirm the link between TCE and other solvents with Parkinson's.
"Further larger-scale studies on populations with more defined exposures are needed to confirm the link," she said.

27.Breast Cancer Chemo Tied to Memory Troubles
Study adds credibility for women who report symptoms of 'chemo brain,' experts say
HealthDay News2011年11月14日

Researchers have homed in on which parts of the brain seem to be involved in "chemo brain," the memory problems and other impairments that often accompany chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer.
According to research in the November issue of the Archives of Neurology, those areas of the brain that are involved in planning, attention and memory performance were less robust in breast cancer patients who had undergone chemotherapy than in breast cancer patients who had not had chemotherapy or in healthy women who acted as study controls.
The findings are important not only to find ways to manage this side effect, but also to give credibility to women who report these effects and aren't taken seriously, said the authors of the report and another expert.
"There's been a controversy whether it's the disease itself or hormonal blockade medications or chemotherapy," said study lead author Shelli Kesler.
"A lot of women complain of problems but then perform in the normal range on subjective tests," explained Michelle Janelsins, a research assistant professor of radiation oncology at the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center, in Rochester, N.Y.
"This is going to give us more information about what exactly is going on so that we can develop better management approaches," said Janelsins, who was not involved with the study.
According to the study authors, chemo brain is the most commonly reported neurological and cognitive problem among breast cancer patients who have received chemotherapy for their condition.
Janelsins said that much research has been devoted to chemo brain but, as of yet, few ways to actually alleviate it.
The researchers compared results from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) done on 25 women with breast cancer who had received chemotherapy, 19 women with breast cancer who had not undergone chemotherapy, and 18 healthy women.
The women performed a card-sorting task designed to measure problem-solving skills and also reported their own perception of their cognitive abilities.
Women with breast cancer, whether or not they had had chemotherapy, showed reduced activity in two areas of the prefrontal cortex, including one heavily involved in memory, the investigators found.
"The non-chemo group did show some brain changes but their actual performance of cognitive tasks was not impaired," said Kesler, who is an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. "For women who had chemo, their deficit, their brain change is more severe to the point where they are showing actual performance impairment on cognitive tests."
The group that had undergone chemotherapy also had reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex and tended to repeat errors and complete tasks more slowly compared to both other groups.
This reduced activity also correlated with how patients viewed their own abilities.
The worse the disease and the worse the women perceived their own functioning, the lower the activity.
"The pattern of brain activation actually matched up with self-report," said Janelsins. "That's important because a lot of times self-report measures aren't matching up with performance on some cognitive tests. We need better markers and indicators and tests telling us which women may be having difficulty."
Women who were older and had less education also had more executive-function problems.
There are several hypotheses as to why chemotherapy might cause these problems. One is that chemotherapy is toxic to neurological stem cells; another is that chemotherapy increases the amount of inflammation in the body, which then gets into the brain, and chemotherapy also causes DNA damage.
Hormonal therapies can also affect cognitive function and although the authors took this into account, individual variations in estrogen levels may have influenced the results, the authors noted.
"People sometimes think women are exaggerating [chemo brain] but this study showed that self-reported impairment actually correlates with brain impairment pointing to the fact that they should not be ignored," Kesler said.
Although the new study showed an association between brain function and chemotherapy, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.
More Information
The American Cancer Society has more on chemo brain.
SOURCES: Shelli Kesler, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, Calif.; Michelle Janelsins, Ph.D., research assistant professor of radiation oncology, James P. Wilmot Cancer Center, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, N.Y.; November 2011, Archives of Neurology

28.Warfarin May Need Less Monitoring for Some
12-week intervals likely OK for those with stable doses of blood thinner, study finds
HealthDay News2011年11月14日

Most people taking the blood-thinner warfarin need blood tests every four weeks to make sure they're receiving the right dose of medication, but new research suggests that some people could safely have those tests done just once every 12 weeks.
Longer intervals between monitoring isn't an option for everyone on warfarin, just those who have received the same dose of medication for six months or longer, noted the study, published in the Nov. 15 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.
"Sometimes it's difficult to go every four weeks, and we found that for patients who are very stable who have been monitored every four weeks, going every 12 weeks was not different in dosing," said the study's lead author, Dr. Sam Schulman, a professor of medicine and director of the clinical thromboembolism program at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
"Since there are 2 million patients in North America on warfarin, it could add quite a bit of cost savings if they could go longer [between tests]," said Schulman.
Warfarin (brand names Coumadin, Jantoven) thins the blood, and it's prescribed to help prevent blood clots. Blood clots can cause heart attacks and strokes. If too little warfarin is given, the blood isn't thinned enough and blood clots can form. But too much warfarin can thin the blood excessively, making internal bleeding a risk.
Once the right dose is found, some people remain stable on that dose indefinitely. For others, constant changes are needed to their warfarin dose. Schulman said that about one-third of his patients have stable doses.
The test that's done every four weeks to monitor a patient's warfarin dose is called international normalized ratio (INR) monitoring.
The current study included 250 people who were receiving unchanged warfarin doses for at least six months. They were randomly assigned to one of two groups: one that received INR monitoring every four weeks or one that was monitored every 12 weeks.
The researchers found that people who were monitored every four weeks had an optimal dose of warfarin 74.1 percent of the time, compared with 71.6 percent for the group monitored every 12 weeks.
"Assessment of warfarin dose every 12 weeks seems to be safe and non-inferior to assessment every four weeks," wrote the study's authors.
"This study contributes a bit to answering the question of how often you have to test, but there was no information on [blood clots] and bleeding events," noted Dr. Jeffrey Berger, an assistant professor and director of cardiovascular thrombosis at New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. But he added that complications such as blood clots and bleeding are rare events, and to properly assess the risk of these complications with longer monitoring, a much larger trial would be necessary.
He also said, "I think this is a very important study in the current horizon where we have an increasing number of potential alternatives to Coumadin. It's important to understand the tradeoffs between drugs."
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved two alternatives to warfarin: dabigatran etexilate (Pradaxa) and rivaroxaban (Xarelto). And Berger said that another drug, apixaban (Eliquis), will likely be approved soon.
The newer medications don't require monitoring of the dosage, but they are significantly more expensive than warfarin. In Canada and the United States, warfarin costs about 10 cents per day, while Schulman said that a newer medication can be as much as $3.60 a day.
Still, Berger pointed out that without the cost of monthly monitoring, the newer drugs may end up being more cost-effective.
More information
Learn more about warfarin from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
SOURCES: Sam Schulman, M.D., professor, medicine, and director, clinical thromboembolism program, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Jeffrey S. Berger, M.D., assistant professor and director, cardiovascular thrombosis, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York City; Nov. 15, 2011, Annals of Internal Medicine

29.Drinking Risky for Women With Family History of Breast Cancer: Study
Risk of breast disease rose with alcohol consumption
HealthDay News2011年11月14日

Drinking alcohol may be especially risky for young women who have a strong family history of breast cancer, including having mothers, grandmothers or aunts with the disease, a new study suggests.
Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis examined data on more than 9,000 girls, all daughters of nurses, from 1996 (when they were aged 9 to 15) through 2007.
They focused on 67 participants who were later diagnosed between the ages of 18 and 27 with benign breast disease, a large class of conditions that can cause breast lumps or pain and can be a risk factor for breast cancer.
The researchers found that women who have a family history of breast cancer or breast disease were about twice as likely to develop both benign breast disease and breast cancer than women with no family history of the disease.
Risk of benign breast disease rose along with how much alcohol the young women consumed, according to the study.
In young women with no family history of breast disease, alcohol consumption wasn't associated with an increased chance of benign breast disease.
The study is published in the Nov. 14 online issue of the journal Cancer.
It's possible that young women who are especially prone to develop breast cancer can reduce their risk of benign breast disease by avoiding alcohol, researchers said in a university news release.
"The most common question we hear from women with a family history of breast disease is: 'How can we prevent breast cancer in our daughters?'" said senior study author Dr. Graham Coldtiz, a professor of surgery. "This points to a strategy to lower risk -- or avoid increasing risk -- by limiting alcohol intake."
But Dr. Anees Chagpar, director of The Breast Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven, questioned the findings, noting that the number of participants diagnosed with benign breast disease is small and the lack of required biopsies makes it hard to know whether many other women in the study also had the condition.
"Benign breast disease is a spectrum of changes -- from simple cysts and fibrocystic change, which do not significantly increase one's risk of developing breast cancer, all the way to atypical ductal hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ, which -- while not pre-malignant nor frankly cancerous -- impose a significant increased risk," Chagpar said.
"Many women have fibrocystic change which we've come to realize is really quite ubiquitous and part of the spectrum of 'normal,'" she said. "Patients with such simple cysts should be reassured, and while vigilance in terms of screening is always advisable, they also need to know that this does not increase their risk of cancer."
In the big picture, however, "we know that alcohol increases breast cancer risk," she said. The question, she said, is whether it does that by increasing the risk of benign breast disease.
"I do think at-risk individuals should exercise moderation in their alcohol consumption, since excessive alcohol is known to increase one's risk of breast cancer," she said.
A study in the Nov. 2 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that as few as three alcoholic drinks a month was associated with a slightly increased risk of breast cancer.
In that study, which looked at data on 106,000 women, women who drank the equivalent of three to six glasses of wine were 15 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than women who never or rarely drank. Women who consumed much more alcohol -- about two glasses of wine or the equivalent beer/liquor a day -- had a 51 percent increased chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer during nearly three decades of follow-up.
More information
For more on benign breast disease, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
SOURCES: Anees Chagpar, M.D., M.P.H., director, The Breast Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven, and associate professor, department of surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.; Nov. 14, 2011, Washington University School of Medicine news release.

30.Stem Cells Show Promise in Healing Damaged Hearts
3 studies show cells sourced from bone marrow or the heart itself may help after heart attack
HealthDay News2011年11月14日

Efforts to use stem cells to help revitalize hearts damaged by heart attack got a boost from three studies presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association.
Cardiologists attending the Orlando, Fla.-based conference heard how infusing bone marrow stem cells into the heart soon after a heart attack might improve survival, and how cardiac stem cells might also come to the aid of patients battling heart failure.
Doctors have recently been using bone marrow-sourced stem cells to repair the damage done to cardiac tissue by heart attack. And two new studies presented at the meeting may help define the "window of opportunity" during which this therapy is likely to save lives.
Infusing these cells into the heart several days after a heart attack is safe and provides benefits that last up to five years, one study found. However, waiting 10 to 20 days after a heart attack to inject the cells back into the heart is too long, the second trial concluded.
In the first study, German researchers led by Dr. David Leistner of the University Hospital of Frankfurt found fewer deaths, fewer subsequent heart attacks and fewer procedures needed to open blocked arteries in people who received bone marrow stem cells within a few days of a heart attack. Earlier studies had shown that this experimental treatment improved heart muscle function for up to four months after a heart attack, but the new study, involving 62 patients, showed that these benefits last for up to 5 years.
One expert was pleased with the results.
"This is a big deal," said Dr. Joshua M. Hare, the director of the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. "There is a lot of controversy in the field about how much heart function actually improves after this treatment," he said. "Many experts argue that although published results were statistically significant, that they might not have been clinically meaningful. The thing that matters the most is whether or not there was a reduction in [death], and this study shows that there might be."
However, another study presented at the meeting found that waiting 10 to 20 days after a heart attack to infuse bone marrow stem cells may be too long. The findings will also appear in the Nov. 14 online edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The study involved 87 patients who had undergone angioplasty and/or placement of an artery-opening stent after heart attack. The researchers injected stem cells into the patients' hearts about two to three weeks after a heart attack -- only to find that therapy did not improve heart function after six months.
"When you have such a brand new treatment, negative data can be just as helpful as positive data," said Hare, who also wrote a JAMA editorial that accompanied the study . The take-home message, according to Hare: "This is too late to give the cells to the heart."
Study co-author Dr. Robert Simari, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., agreed. "We are modifying our prior enthusiasm for bone marrow stem cells and developing some framework for their use," he explained.
Stem cells sourced from bone marrow are not the only type being studied in this way, however. A third study looked at the use of stem cells originating from the patient's own heart.
The results of a phase 1 (early) clinical trial presented at the AHA meeting, published simultaneously in The Lancet, found real benefit from cardiac stem cell infusions for heart failure patients who had suffered a heart attack. This is the first time this approach has been tested in humans, the team said.
In the Stem Cell Infusion in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (SCIPIO) study, researchers retrieved cardiac cells from individuals who were undergoing bypass surgery to re-open blocked arteries. The cells were taken from undamaged areas of the heart, purified, harvested and then injected back into the patients' hearts four months later.
And it worked. Dr. Roberto Bolli of the University of Louisville and colleagues report that the therapy improved heart function for 16 people with heart failure who received an infusion of their own cardiac stem cells. What's more, the scars on their hearts are healing, the study showed.
"This is more promising in terms of the magnitude of the effect than what we are seeing with bone marrow stem cells," said one expert, Dr. Kenneth B. Margulies, a professor of medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Still, he cautioned that the research is in its infancy, and more studies are needed. Right now, this procedure is for patients who are in the throes of a heart attack, he noted. "We are getting more bang for the effort when this is not done in the middle of crisis," he said.
While more study is needed to understand the best ways to use the different types of stem cells after a heart attack, they will both likely have a big role in preventing or reversing damage after a heart attack in the future, Simari said.
"In the next 10 to 15 years, these stem cells will be an off-the-shelf sell. We won't need to harvest them and can take them off the shelf and deliver them at that time or soon thereafter," he said. He conjectured that one healthy donor could provide thousands of doses.
More information
There's more on heart attack at the American Heart Association.
SOURCES: Joshua M. Hare, M.D., director, the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Kenneth B. Margulies, M.D., professor, medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Robert Simari, M.D., cardiologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; Nov. 14, 2011, The Lancet, online; Nov. 14, 2011, Journal of the American Medical Association, online; presentations, Nov. 14, 2011, American Heart Association annual meeting, Orlando, Fla.

31.Low-Income Seniors at Greater Risk for Heart Failure
These Medicare recipients may not be able to afford out-of-pocket medical expenses, researchers say
HealthDay News2011年11月14日

Seniors with low incomes are more likely to develop heart failure than those with higher incomes, even if they have Medicare coverage and are college-educated, a new study finds.
"As far as the risk of developing heart failure is concerned, lower education may not matter if a person is able to maintain a high income in later years," said senior researcher Dr. Ali Ahmed, in an American Heart Association news release.
The researchers examined records of 5,153 Medicare-eligible seniors living independently without heart failure in the early 1990s, and grouped them based on their level of education and income. Those with low education did not go to college, and those with low incomes lived on less than $25,000 a year.
Thirteen years later, 18 percent of the seniors with a high level of education and high income had developed heart failure. Similarly, 17 percent of the older adults with low education but high income developed heart failure, according to the release.
On the other hand, 23 percent of seniors with low income developed heart failure regardless of their education. Patients with low education and low income however, were at the greatest risk, with 29 percent developing heart failure.
The researchers accounted for known heart disease risk factors in their findings, slated for presentation Monday at the American Heart Association's annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.
Low-income patients may not be able to afford the out-of-pocket costs associated with their Medicare coverage, the researchers suggested.
"They may have to choose between their drugs and their groceries. Or the out-of-pocket expenses might adversely affect how often they go see their doctor," explained Ahmed, who is director of the Geriatric Heart Failure Clinics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the Birmingham VA Medical Center.
Income also affects people's access to healthy foods and safe, affordable places to exercise. The researchers concluded that older people need low-cost ways to stay healthy and eat right. They said more research is need to identify the specific reasons why people with low incomes are at greater risk for heart failure.
Because this study was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The American Heart Association provides more information on disparities in heart disease.
SOURCE: American Heart Association, news release, Nov. 14, 2011

32.Shot Might One Day Help Lower Cholesterol
In early trial, it lowered LDL levels by up to 64 percent
HealthDay News2011年11月14日

Preliminary research suggests that a single injection of a man-made protein might lower levels of "bad" cholesterol.
Given in the abdomen, AMG145 reduced low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels among a group of healthy volunteers. The shot turned off a newly identified cholesterol regulator, PCSK9, which interferes with the liver's ability to clear bad cholesterol from the bloodstream.
The findings were presented Monday at the American Heart Association (AHA) annual meeting in Orlando, Fla. The study was funded by AMG145 manufacturer Amgen Inc.
High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease. The first step toward lowering cholesterol is typically lifestyle changes, which include eating a low-fat diet and regular physical activity. For some, medications such as statins must be added to get cholesterol levels where they ought to be. Even this is not enough to get everyone's numbers into the safety zone, and not everyone can tolerate currently available medications. An LDL of less than 100 mg/dL of blood is considered optimal.
Study author Clapton Dias, medical sciences director of clinical pharmacology and early development at Amgen, in Thousand Oaks, Calif., said this shot could be given as an add-on to current cholesterol-lowering therapies for people who are not getting as low as they should be or as a standalone treatment for people who can't tolerate existing lipid-lowering drugs.
"Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S., and while statins are very effective, a good proportion of people are not meeting their goals, and in this setting the shot could be a valuable addition," he said.
The study included 54 men and two women aged 18 to 45 who did not have elevated cholesterol levels. Participants received one of five doses of the new drug delivered via shot or intravenously or a placebo. Researchers measured LDL cholesterol levels for 85 to 113 days after treatment.
The new drug did hit its target, PCSK9, and decreased levels of LDL cholesterol by up to 64 percent. There were also decreases seen in levels of total cholesterol and apo-B (tiny fat particles in the blood that also increase the risk for heart disease). Levels of triglycerides and "good" HDL cholesterol were not altered by the medication, and there were no serious side effects reported. Now, researchers are testing the new shot in people who have high cholesterol.
Cardiologists were cautiously optimistic about the novel therapy.
Former AHA President Dr. Ralph Sacco said that it is too early to make any predictions about what role, if any, this therapy will have in lowering cholesterol levels, but it could one day fill an important void.
"Even though statins are so effective at lowering cholesterol and reducing risk for heart disease and stroke, they do need to be taken every day and they can have certain side effects in some people," he said. Statin side effects can include liver damage and/or muscle pain.
"This new shot may provide a more long-lasting approach, especially if it could be given once a month," Sacco said.
Dr. Dan Rader, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania, said that PCSK9 is "the hottest target for new treatments to lower LDL cholesterol." And these study results will probably fuel that fire, he added.
"A 60-plus percent reduction in LDL with a single dose of this antibody is impressive," he said. "It is the early days, but the data look strong. We now need more data with people who have repeated dosing and are followed for longer periods of time," Rader added.
"There are still plenty of people who can't achieve adequate LDL levels with existing drugs, including statins," he noted. Plus, "people may find it easier to get a shot every two weeks or monthly than to take a pill every day."
Research presented at meetings should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
More information
Learn about existing treatments for high cholesterol at the American Heart Association.
SOURCES: Clapton Dias, Ph.D., medical sciences director of clinical pharmacology and early development, Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, Calif.; Ralph Sacco, M.D., chairman, neurology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and past president, American Heart Association; Dan Rader, M.D., director, preventive cardiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Nov. 14, 2011, presentation, American Heart Association annual meeting, Orlando, Fla.

33.Experimental Drug for Irregular Heart Rhythm Raises Death Risk: Study
Dronedarone trial cut short after excess of deaths in patients with permanent form of atrial fibrillation
HealthDay News2011年11月14日

A once-promising drug for a common and dangerous form of irregular heart rhythm actually seems to raise the odds for patient death, a new study finds.
The drug, dronedarone, had seemed effective against the non-chronic, "intermittent" form of atrial fibrillation in prior trials. But in the newer trial -- involving patients with ongoing, "permanent" atrial fibrillation -- use of dronedarone was tied to a doubling of the patients' death risk. The trial was cancelled early due to concerns over the drug's safety.
Atrial fibrillation is a heart rhythm disorder affecting about 2.7 million Americans that often occurs with age and can raise risks for stroke. In people with intermittent atrial fibrillation, the heart may return to normal rhythm on its own. But it does not do so in people with the more permanent form, who usually receive medications to control their heart rate.
One expert said the new study provides valuable guidance to doctors and patients.
"Rather than being a failure (which it is for the drug), this study is a 'win' for the cardiology community, in that it has tested and shown that this agent should not be used in such a fashion," said Dr. Stephen Green, associate chairman of the department of cardiology at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y.
The study was slated for presentation Monday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Orlando, Fla. It is also being published simultaneously in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Dronedarone is currently used to treat intermittent atrial fibrillation but is not approved for treatment of the permanent form of the condition. This study was designed to investigate if dronedarone would benefit patients 65 and older with permanent atrial fibrillation, but it was halted after enrolling only 30 percent of the intended 10,800 patients.
Compared to those taking a placebo, patients who took dronedarone were 2.2 times more likely to suffer a major vascular event such as stroke, heart attack, systemic blood clot or cardiovascular death, the researchers found.
There were 21 cardiovascular deaths in the dronedarone group and 10 in the placebo (control) group; 13 deaths linked to arrhythmias (heart rhythm disorders) in the dronedarone group and four in the control group; and 23 strokes in the drug group versus 10 in the control group.
The researchers also found that dronedarone increased the risk of hospitalization for heart failure and that the nearly one-third of patients in the dronedarone group who had been taking the heart rhythm drug digitalis had a 36 percent rise in their digitalis blood levels.
That suggests that an "increase in digitalis played a causative role in the increased risk of cardiovascular death," lead author Dr. Stuart J. Connolly, a professor of cardiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, said in an American Heart Association news release. "But this does not explain the increase in stroke or heart failure," he added.
Still, "the message is that the drug dronedarone should not be used for permanent atrial fibrillation," Connolly said.
Green agreed. "The pertinent points are: Antiarrhythmic agents have traditionally had a difficult risk/benefit ratio, and large-scale studies are useful to choose the correct patient for the correct drug," and, "it is important to trial agents for non-FDA-approved indications, rather than use them indiscriminately," he explained.
More information
The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about atrial fibrillation.
SOURCES: Stephen Green, M.D., associate chairman, department of cardiology, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, N.Y.; Nov. 14, 2011, New England Journal of Medicine, online; American Heart Association, news release, Nov. 14, 2011


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医薬品情報21 » 2007 » 8月 » 17

2007年8月17日 ... 含有成分として0.1-0.3%のhypericin、特に pseudohypericin、isohypericin、 protohypericin等のようなhypericin類似物質。 ... 含有食品の薬物代謝 酵素誘導 により影響を受ける可能性があることから、医薬品を服用する際にはSt.JohnsWort. ..... と類似していたとしても不思議はないが、現実には青酸の匂いを確認していないので、 参照文献の記載通りということである。 ...... ぼくはサンプルを取って分析してもらったの です」 [アガサ・クリスティー:ヘラクレスの冒険-クレタ島の雄牛-(高橋豊・訳); ... read more


元の物質は水にほとんど残っていないが、実践する人たちは「水が記憶している」と主張 している。 欧米やインドで盛ん ... Significant interactions with the most commonly used herbal and non-herbal supplements impact warfarin safety and efficacy. .... そういえば、カイワレのO157ってどうなったんだろう。裁判に ... だが、この裁判の影響 のためか、日本では葉性野菜の大腸菌感染可能性が報道されることがなくなった。 今回の .... だが、業者は逆手をとって、厚労省から特定製品を推奨されているように ミスリード。 read more

Womens Health

しかし医療という点になると、女性に影響を及ぼす心臓病特有な点を、専門家達は 見落とし過ぎているようです。 ... 最近の研究結果では、赤ぶどうのエキスとニンニクの 入った魚油が循環器系に良い事が解っています。 .... 例えば、たばこの煙を吸い込ま ない、お酒を飲まない、酸化防止栄養補助製品で補いながら、健康的な食事をすること。 ... その中で専門家の見方が一致する点はどの様なことでしょうか? ..... 大変小さな組織 であるにも拘わらず、男性が歳を取っていく段階で、時に大変な不快感を生む事が あります。 read more

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